Imani: n. faith and belief.
The Imani Fund will encourage exploration and cross-cultural understanding through supporting the study abroad experience of selected students in the Maryland Scholars Program, a subset of the Maryland Advantage Program.
The Maryland Scholars Program provides first-generation college students from underserved
socioeconomic backgrounds the opportunity to experience a life-changing liberal arts
education. Although Goucher does provide assistance for the study abroad experience,
many Maryland Scholars Program students need additional support.
The Imani Fund helps cover costs associated with this formative experience.
Your actions can shape students’ futures, and teach one of life’s most important lessons—global understanding.
Give to the Imani Fund“I will never forget my study abroad experience in Spain. It changed my life, but it can be expensive. It can be a struggle to pay for a passport, visa, luggage, or a plane ticket. With the Imani Fund, finances won’t be as big of an issue for students in the EOP. You may think some of the costs are small, but even a little bit makes a difference.”
You can empower an experience that will forever change a student’s view of the world and his or her place in it. With your contribution, we can help develop global citizens. Your generosity is an investment in their future.
To make certain your gift goes to the Imani Fund, please look for Designation of Support, and click on "other" and include the words "Imani Fund."
If you have any questions about the Imani Fund, please contact